Majic is integration,
synergy of components in constant motion and change.
Thoughts inhabiting our minds have colors and strength.
Verbal or mute, they never cease, they keep creating.
Majic began with one single wooden charm, an Ethiopian art.
The face of beauty
As work progressed my leading thought was: Each thought is a born spiral, it goes out there in the Ether, bumping, meeting, hooking up with other born spirals, creating new colors, thoughts, ideas....endless motion, never cease.
Majic took about six months to complete.
It got stronger in message with each spiral added.
As part of my path and practice,
and as per realizing I can`t always control what comes out of my mind,
I added "With Harm No One and No Harm Done"
as well as "So Mote It Be".
Naturally, Phoebe and Mowgli have been a great help as always...
Framed and grouted